Video dan berita yang dirilis Daily Mail masih ditangani aparat kepolisian , dan pelaku yang menabrak pejalan kaki belum diketahui identitasnya.
"Police had
released the CCTV - which shows the incident from three different angles
- in a bid to speak to people who were in the area at the time.
incident, which took place at around 3.40pm on Thursday, January 14,
left the man with serious injuries but, incredibly, he survived and is
no longer in hospital.
about the video, a spokesman for Sussex Police said: 'He looks like a
rag doll. I've never seen anything like that before but he's recovering
'He had a head injury but as far as I know he's doing really well. He's out of hospital. It happened not even two weeks ago.' "
Pria berusia 53 Tahun yang menjadi korban tabrak lari tersebut ditinggalkan begitu saja oleh pelaku di daerah Kemptown Brighton , Inggris.
Pada Video yang sudah berada ditangan polisi tersebut terlihat dengan jelas bagaimana pejalan kaki tersebut dihantam hingga terpental diudara kemudian laki-laki tersebut terlempar sekitar 12 meter